Canteen , Maintenance & Security - Ascot Primary School

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Canteen , Maintenance & Security

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Canteen and Auxilary Staff

Canteen Management and Staff
Gail Palmer          (
J. West
               (Asst. Manager)
Melody Ellis          (
Head Chef)
Julie Graham
       (Asst. Chef)
Marcia Bentley       (
Asst. (Chef)

Tuck Shop Management and Staff
Donna Jarrett           (Manager)


Custodial Engineers
E. Dawkins    (Sanitation Manager)
T. Stewart     Employee
P. Clarke       Employee
M. Brissett     Employee
R. Allen         Employee
A Carter        Employee
J. Davis         Employee
D Simpson     Employee

                       (Regular Watchman)
                                 (Relief Watchman)
                                 (Relief Watchman)
                                 (Relief Watchman)

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